Laboratori di strumento (collettivi e propedeutici all’orchestra)


Group courses are aimed at students of all ages and levels. Even amateurs and music lovers who want to maintain or develop their instrumental skills can enrol in these workshops, to cultivate their passion, without worrying about an exam or a didactic deadline. The commitment remains clearly basic and necessary: in the frequency, in the study of the parts etc ... But the main task is to make music, play your instrument with joy and with others.

Group courses, reserved for Soci Allievi (to become a member download the Registration form download), vengono attivati con un minimo di 2 iscritti e sono organizzati e suddivisi in due tipologie:

21 lezioni collettive di 45’ € 300 (+ quota associativa)
21 lezioni collettive di 45’ + 10 lezioni individuali di 45’ 520 € annui (+ quota associativa)

The Group courses are preparatory to the orchestra, as they combine the experience of ensemble music with individual study, and naturally result in the activity of the Como Youth Orchestra. The group lessons are individualized, that is to say tailor-made for each individual student, therefore with different levels of technical preparation within the group. Also, the programs will be personalized by the teacher, to guarantee each student an adequate educational path.

Le quote di frequenza dovranno essere versate per intero all’inizio del Laboratorio esclusivamente mediante bonifico bancario. Conteggiate le settimane effettive di docenza (vengono garantite in ogni caso 21 settimane) a fine anno si effettuerà un conguaglio. Eventuali assenze del docente verranno recuperate o rimborsate.

Group courses for young children

The instrument workshops are also open to children and are designed to bring the younger ones closer to musical instruments and ensemble music, by playing with sounds and educating them to share emotions and experiences, through a path of growth that is above all human and cultural.

21 group lessons of 45 ’ 260 € annui (+ quota associativa)